5 Ways To Reinvent Your Parents Worship Day at Nagabhushan Gurukul.

5 Ways To Reinvent Your Parents Worship Day at Nagabhushan Gurukul.

Initiative Summary

With the inspiration of Sant Shri Asharamji Bapu, Parents Worship Day events were conducted at Nagabhushan Gurukul, Bhatambra, Distt- Bidar (Karnataka) on 15 Feb 2023.

For the upliftment of children and youth, he laid the foundation of celebrating 'Parents Worship Day' every 14th of the month. im1

Parents Worship Day to stop youngsters from following the western culture Which'll take them to demolish their character but here it shows Unconditional Love. im2

Parents Sacrifice their entire life for their kids. Parents Worship Day is a great celebration to pay gratitude to them. Sant Shri Asharamji Bapu introduced such a great program. im3

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