Initiative Summary

With the inspiration of Sant Shri Asharamji Bapu, Parents Worship Day, Tulsi Pujan and Geeta Pujan events were conducted at GMPS, PARANGIPALYA, Bengaluru-(Karnataka) on 17 Dec 2022.

Sant Shri Asharamji Bapu for Preserving The Family Unit has come up with the day of Unconditional Love~ Parents Worship Day i.e. #MatruPitruPujanDiwas … im1

Glimpses of #Tulsi Pujan Program im2

Tulsi Pujan Divas celebration helps millions of youths to understand the greatness of Sanatan and not to follow the west blindly. im3

Parents Sacrifice their entire life for their kids. Parents Worship Day is a great celebration to pay gratitude to them. Sant Shri Asharamji Bapu introduced such a great program. im4

Now, by the inspiration of #Bapuji, the day is being globally celebrated on the 14th of each month. im5

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