MPPD- 2024 at Bengaluru Ashram.

MPPD- 2024 at Bengaluru Ashram.

Initiative Summary

With the inspiration of Sant Shri Asharamji Bapu, Parents Worship Day was conducted at Bengaluru Ashram, Bengaluru-(Karnataka) on 18 Feb 2024.

Sant Shri Asharamji Bapu for Preserving The Family Unit has come up with the day of Unconditional Love ~ Parents Worship Day i.e. #MatruPitruPujanDiwas … 1 Sant Shri Asharamji Bapu says Affection & blessings come in abundance from our parents. Let's celebrate 14 Feb.- Parents Worship Day. 2 Parents Worship Day to stop youngsters from following the western culture Which'll take them to demolish their character but here it shows Unconditional Love. 3 Is it not a miracle that despite Sant Shri Asharamji Bapu being in isolation, his holy dream of celebrating Parents Worship Day on 14 Feb has become a choice of millions within and across the country? #CelebrateTrueLove 4

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